
About Us

SSS Greentech, The company strives to be a leader in sustainable waste solutions and drive positive change through innovative technologies and processes.
SSS Greentech, The company strives to be a leader in sustainable waste solutions and drive positive change through innovative technologies and processes. Our mission is to use waste resources for generation of wealth in an environment friendly and commercially sustainable manner and also to protect and improve the environment as a valuable asset for the people worldwide.
We are the exclusive business partners of GD Environmental Pvt Ltd, India to implement sustainable waste management solution for the decentralized processing of MSW with zero pollution and minimal external energy.

To provide world-class physical infrastructure for the treatment and disposal of wet & dry waste


A clean, healthy and well protected environment supporting a sustainable society and economy. A nation empowered to protect our finite natural resources, attuned to the pursuit of sustainable development, for a clean and healthy environment that enhances the Indian Quality of life for present and future generations To formulate policies and plans on environmental protection, energy, nature conservation and the promotion of sustainable development.
To raise community awareness of and promote public support for issues related to environmental protection, energy, nature conservation and sustainable development. To promote collaborative efforts through regional and international co-operation. To implement environmental protection and energy related legislation and plans. To administer robust environmental impact assessment in the planning of new development and major projects.


To use waste resources for generation of wealth in an environment friendly and commercially sustainable manner. To protect and improve the environment as an asset for the people worldwide. To protect our people and the environment from harmful effects of radiation and pollution. To protect, restore and enhance environmental quality towards good public health, environmental integrity and economic viability. Our mission is to build achieve environmental health by preventing and reducing pollution and building green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments. To halt and reverse environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources, nurture the earth’s ecological and cultural diversity, and secure sustainable livelihoods. To bring about transformation towards sustainability and equity between and within societies with creative approaches and solutions. To inspire one another and to harness, strengthen and complement each other’s capacities, living the change we wish to see and working together in solidarity.