Our Technology
Gasification of Municipal Waste produces 1.75 Kilo Watts Thermal from 1 Kg of waste of around 1500 Kilo Calories. This energy can be trapped via Heat Exchanger and could be used by farmers and agriculture industries for dehydration and drying purposes.
The Gasification heat from heat exchanger can be used for melting of segregated plastic from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). Polypropylene & Polyethylene melt at 185 D Centigrade. Hot air of that temperature will pass over the plastic turning it into melted block without any emissions. As air has no weight and it transfers energy directly to plastic.
We have a Patented Solvent, which is a by-product of Pyrolysis, which is used to melt Polystyrene at site and bring it to our works. A Polystyrene of 300 Kgs would fit in a full truck load. However, by melting Polystyrene at site we could bring it to our works in a 3-wheeler.
In MSW 60% is wet waste. We used the heat generated in Gasification to dry the shredded wet waste in into dry mass and further turn it to Fuel Pellets with a Calorific value of 3500 to 3900 Kilo Calories / Kg.
Waste plastic to oil is a process of depolymerization of waste plastic to crude oil. Depending on material we assign different process treatment to oil. If it is Polypropylene, it has no tendency to wax, so easy to turn to oil. Polyethylene has wax forming tendency so usually warrants use of suitable catalyst. Polystyrene (Thermocol) gives good oil, but transportation is expensive. Keeping the above in mind GDEPL has devised its own closed loop processing system. Our business model is based on processing charges from waste generator for input plastic. We do not buy plastic but use plastic coming to collection center in Municipal Solid waste or offer segregation and processing services to Industrial Clients.
We offer our clients plastic processing services and work only on plastics which need a segregation and have no commercial value. We take plastic waste from customer, segregate it in our collection center. Use the fuel generated in waste to oil process, as a heat source of controlled temperature to melt flexible plastic. This Plastic is brought as melted block to pyrolysis plant to turn into oil. Polystyrene (Thermocol) is melted at site using our proprietary solvent and brought to pyrolysis plant as a semisolid melt. This is again turned to oil. GDEPL has achieved excellence in processing waste plastic to oil till drop in fuel (which is equivalent to High-Speed Diesel of close to Bharat VI specification. Our industrial waste generators are also our customers for drop in fuel which they use directly in gensets.