
Our patented* technology from
G D Environmental Pvt Ltd…

The Tri Fusion Reactor (TFR)

Our Business Partner G D Environmental Pvt Ltd, invented Tri Fusion Reactor (TFR) is a state of the art, Dehydration, Gasification and Pyrolysis plant that provides customers with a potential zero waste solution for biomass/organic waste, plastic waste, mixed waste, bio and Agro Industrial Waste, available in different capacities and degrees of automation.
The Tri Fusion Reactor has the potential to solve waste problems and contribute considerably to a cleaner and greener environment. The Tri Fusion Reactor is conceptualized as a convenient zero discharge solution for various waste generators such as Municipal Councils, large industries, Canteens, Hotels, Resorts, IT Parks, Malls, Food Courts, Shopping Centres etc.
Technically the Tri Fusion Reactor is a Combination of Dehydration, Gasification and Pyrolysis Reactor Plant, which can be installed and operated at the site of the waste generators within three months from start of manufacturing. The mixed waste will be processed instantly, cleanly and odourlessly. The output of the Tri Fusion Reactor can be utilized for energy generation and by products (Syngas / Natural Gas or Electricity, Distilled Water, Green Coal, Ash etc.)
The generated by products (approx. 240 m3 Natural Gas, 225 kw Electricity, 260 kg Green coal, 75 kg Ash, 977-liter distilled water from 3 TPD of mixed waste) are best suited for today’s industries looking for reducing greenhouse gases, cooking gas application in canteen or the electricity is produced via producer gas generator. The Green coal is taken by boilers for fuel application and Ash can be used as Potash. Herewith the Tri Fusion Reactor offers an alternative way of energy and source of Potash and thus a clean, hygienic solution to dispose all of the mixed waste and legacy Solid waste generated in the developed and developing cities. 

Tri fusion Reactor